
Core Competency: Technology

The domain of Technology includes content in the areas of AV, Classified Meetings, Cloud Technology, Online RFPs, Event Software, Internet, Lighting, Microsoft Office, Mobile Apps, Registration Software, Social Media, Security, Remote Communication, Video Conferencing, Webcasting, Webinars, Website ADA Compliance, and working with Fed Biz Ops, FedRooms, and Cvent. View each subdomain below; the bold text shows each subdomain's alignment with EIC domains.

  • As government meetings strive to be “green” and technology improves, you will need to know when and how you can utilize technology.  Technology is an integral part of any event, and keeping up with the advances in event technology can be challenging.  These courses will familiarize you with the current technologies in registration software, internet access and controls, social media marketing, and web applications.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • AV For Meetings:  Standard AV equipment used for meetings.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Classified Meetings:  Understand all requirements for hosting classified meetings, understand limited access to classified material, identify policies regarding audio, video or photographic recording devices or cellular telephones during meeting.

Domain H: Site Management

  • Cloud Technology:  Sharing of information and applications across the internet without the restriction of their location.

Domain I: Marketing

  • Online RFPs:  Steps in creating an online RFP, advantages and disadvantages, requirements for using FedBizOpps, etc.

Domain I: Marketing

  • Event Software:  Value of online software, demonstration of software, costs of software, examples of online software.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Internet:  Using the internet in event planning - registration, room blocks, procurement, budgeting, etc.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Lighting:  Types of lighting, costs, benefits.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Microsoft Excel:  Using Microsoft Excel in event planning, demonstrating its uses and value.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Microsoft PowerPoint:  Using Microsoft Power Point for event presentations, demonstrations, etc.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Mobile Apps:  Use of Mobile Apps for conference information, evaluations, event schedule, etc.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Registration Software:  Pros and cons of registration software, information gathering costs, technical support from vendors.

Domain D:  Financial Management

  • Social Media (including web 2.0):  Using social media to connect with members, promote membership and events.  Web 2.0 allows people to collaborate and share information online via social media, blogging and Web-based communities.

Domain I: Marketing

  • Security:  Security for classified and other information, protection against phishing and hacking, types of security software.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Skype, Lync, etc.:  Advantages of connecting via computer for people offsite.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Videoconferencing / Virtual Meetings:  Ability to bring people together without costs of travel.  Consider equipment and connection costs and no ability to network face-to-face.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Webcasting:  Using one-way transmission of information with no interaction between speaker and audience.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Webinars:  Online educational sessions with interaction between speaker and audience.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Website ADA Compliance:  Discuss options, requirements and Section 508.

Domain I: Marketing

  • Working Fed Biz Ops, FedRooms, Cvent, etc.:  Using online tools for RFPs, site selections, conference registration, etc.

Domain I: Marketing

Technology Courses