Core Competency: Protocol
The domain of Protocol includes content in the areas of Preparation, Diplomatic and Corporate Gifts, FAM trips, Flag Protocol, Corporate Logos, Guest Programs, Manners & Etiquette, Presence, VIPs, Seating, Special Events, Vendor Selection, and Working with the Military. View each subdomain below; the bold text shows each subdomain's alignment with EIC domains.
- Guest Programs (Spouse, Children): The correct applications when offering guest programs.
Domain G: Meeting or Event Design
- Diplomatic and Corporate Gifts: Weather diplomatic, federal, state, or corporate, exchanged gifts all have a protocol to be followed.
Domain A: Strategic Planning
- Precedence, VIPs, and Seating (Government, military, civic leaders, celebrities, international): Understanding and applying the priority in importance, order, or rank to introductions and seating.
Domain G: Meeting or Event Design
- Flag protocol and Use of Corporate Logos: Applying proper protocol for displaying the American flag as well as state, foreign and corporate flags. When you can use or should not use a company’s logo.
Domain G: Meeting or Event Design, Domain H: Site Management
- Special Events and Vendor Selection: Evaluating events and vendor's proposals that follow ethics and protocol relating to the event.
Domain A: Strategic Planning, Domain B: Project Management
Protocol Courses
Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits
Group blocks at hotels for government & military VIPs have their own set of unique requirements. In this session, we will be covering best practices for both planners and suppliers when working with high profile government customers.
- Non-member - $50
- Member - Free!
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Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits
In today’s connected world, mastering global business etiquette is key. Professionals must understand cultural nuances, customs and protocols to ensure effective communication and successful interactions.
- Non-member - $50
- Member - Free!
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn about the laws and regulations regarding the U.S. flag and patriotic customs on how to display it. Determine the precedence of and how to incorporate other flags into displays such as international flags, state and organizational flags, and positional & personal flags. Attend this interactive session and test your flag knowledge!
- Non-member - $12
- Member - Free!
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Senior ranking federal government officials, local government officials, leaders from academia and private industry, and family are all attending your next event! How do you prioritize them, how do you address them and how do you seat them?
- Non-member - $12
- Member - Free!
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Become a Government Meetings Expert
The Certified Government Meeting Professional designation ("CGMP") is designed for planners and suppliers whose work is governed by the rules and regulations of the federal government. Individuals who have earned their CGMP have obtained the highest designation available that is specifically for government meeting professionals. The CGMP is recognized in the hospitality industry; many government contracts now require planners working on the contract have their government certification.
The CGMP course is offered in 3 formats – Live (in person), Virtual Synchronous (via Zoom webinar), and On-Demand.
Earn CEUs

Continuing Education
SGMP's continuing education program aligns with many other CE programs, offering you maximum credit across multiple domains. Each domain of professional development and continuing education is assigned to one of twelve (12) core competencies integral to the daily work of the government meeting professional. Earn the fifteen (15) hours required to satisfy your CGMP CE requirements, and the requirements of many other programs such as the CMP.