
Core Competency: Protocol

The domain of Protocol includes content in the areas of Preparation, Diplomatic and Corporate Gifts, FAM trips, Flag Protocol, Corporate Logos, Guest Programs, Manners & Etiquette, Presence, VIPs, Seating, Special Events, Vendor Selection, and Working with the Military. View each subdomain below; the bold text shows each subdomain's alignment with EIC domains.

  • Guest Programs (Spouse, Children):  The correct applications when offering guest programs.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Diplomatic and Corporate Gifts:  Weather diplomatic, federal, state, or corporate, exchanged gifts all have a protocol to be followed.

Domain A: Strategic Planning

  • Precedence, VIPs, and Seating (Government, military, civic leaders, celebrities, international):   Understanding and applying the priority in importance, order, or rank to introductions and seating.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Flag protocol and Use of Corporate Logos:  Applying proper protocol for displaying the American flag as well as state, foreign and corporate flags. When you can use or should not use a company’s logo.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design, Domain H: Site Management

  • Special Events and Vendor Selection:  Evaluating events and vendor's proposals that follow ethics and protocol relating to the event.

Domain A: Strategic Planning, Domain B: Project Management

Protocol Courses