The Impact of Unconscious Bias on Organizational Inclusion
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Join Dr. Tyrone Holmes as we learn how unconscious bias can have an impact on your organization's inclusiveness, and how to overcome it.

Dr. Tyrone Holmes
TAH Performance Consultants
Dr. Tyrone A. Holmes is a professional speaker and consultant who has spent more than two decades teaching thousands of people to build powerful relationships in diverse settings. He received his bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation Education and master’s degree in Counselor Education from Penn State University. Dr. Holmes received a second master’s degree in Business Management from the State University of New York, before earning a perfect 4.0 GPA in his Counselor Education doctoral program at Penn State.
As the owner of T.A.H. Performance Consultants, he has facilitated more than 1,500 keynotes, training seminars and virtual workshops that have taught participants to connect with others despite their differences, to effectively articulate their messages, to connect with diverse audiences and groups, and to reduce the negative impact of unconscious bias. Dr. Holmes served as a full-time faculty member at Eastern Michigan University in the Department of Leadership and Counseling, and at Wayne State University in the Department of Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations.
He is also a Past President of the Arizona Chapter of the National Speakers Association. Dr. Holmes was awarded the designation of eSpeakers Certified Virtual Presenter, Certified Virtual Host and most recently, Certified Virtual Master Presenter. He loves to facilitate fun, interactive sessions that provide useful tools and techniques for participants!