
Core Competency: Ethics

The domain of Ethics includes content in the areas of conduct, conflicts of interest, FAM trips, frequent flier miles and hotel rewards, funding, procurement, relationships with a prohibited source, spending appropriated funds, special events and vendor selection, and the Washington Post Test. View each subdomain below; the bold text shows each subdomain's alignment with EIC domains.

  • Government employees, contractors and suppliers need to be aware of the boundaries, guidelines, and policies that apply to government meeting professionals. Applying ethical boundaries in decision-making is very important to protect the meeting professional and their agency or organization.

Domain A:  Strategic Planning

  • Good preparation and doing the right thing are a critical element in event planning. Knowing how to position the American flag as well as who is introduced to whom, gifts, etc. are critical.

Domain A:  Strategic Planning

  • Code of Conduct:  The Code of Conduct outlines specific guidelines that are required or prohibited when conducting government business.

Domain A: Strategic Planning, Domain H: Site Management

  • Conflict of interest:  Understanding situations in which favors are given or someone acts in their own self-interest instead of the organization.

Domain A: Strategic Planning, Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Familiarization Trips:  Hosted trips offered by destinations or suppliers to interest potential clients in their location. Ethics and protocol apply to both sides.

Domain H: Site Management

  • Frequent Flier Miles and Hotel Rewards:  The acceptable procedure for collecting miles, points, and rewards.

Domain D: Financial Management

  • Funding:  The proper and ethical way to receive funding for meetings, conferences, and events.

Domain D: Financial Management

  • Guest Programs (Spouse, Children):  The correct applications when offering guest programs.

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Manners / Etiquette – only one program under this topic per year.  Good manners and etiquette are the rules for talking, acting, and conducting business.

Domain E: Human Resources

  • Procurement:  The act of securing goods and services on behalf of a government agency, which may involve prohibited sources.   See also Financial and Contract Management

Domain B: Project Management

  • Relationships with a Prohibited Source:  Identifying a person or an organization who is seeking official action, is doing business, or seeking to do business with.

Domain D: Financial Management

  • Spending Appropriated Funds:  The method for funding programs with expenses that are reasonably related to the accomplishment the purposes of the event.

Domain D: Financial Management

  • Washington Post Test:  Would you want your event on the cover of the Washington Post?

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Working with the Military:  Understanding the Code of Conduct as it relates to working with military groups.

Domain E: Human Resources

Ethics Courses